In this page you will find links to help your child succeed, as well as school menus, uniform and supply lists information.
resources for parents
School Menus
Riverhead Charter School is participating in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) or Provision 2 in a non-base year. All children in the school will receive meals/milk at no charge regardless of household income.
Uniform Information for 2023-2024 School Year!
Uniform Policy (English/Spanish)
You may order online at or call Lands’ End directly at 1-800-469-2222 and reference Preferred School Number 900074501, grade level and gender.
RCS Uniform Drive
Has your child outgrown their RCS uniform? Are the items still in great condition?
If you answered “YES” to both of these questions, we encourage you to donate your items back to RCS.
We cannot accept stained, ripped and faded items. Once theses items are collected and organized, we will distribute them to those in need.
*Donation of an item does not guarantee an exchange.