Board Meetings have been changed to the 4th Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm.
Messages for the Board may be left on the Board voice mail box by dialing 369-5800 ext 2260 or in writing at Riverhead Charter School Admin Bldg, 3685 Middle Country Road, Calverton, NY 11933 or email:
Interested candidates must have a professional background in one or more of the following areas: finance, fundraising, law, marketing, public relations, not for profit, community relations, education. Board members must commit to raising 5k in fundraising per year.
Prospective applicants should email resumes and letters of interest to:
Guidelines for Public Comment During School Board Meetings
The Riverhead Charter School Board welcomes public comment during most regular meetings. Generally, School Board members do not respond to public comment during the meeting. The Board reviews letters and emails sent to the School Board via email at or via postal mail to: Riverhead Charter School, Attn: Board of Trustees, 3685 Middle Country Road, Calverton, NY 11933.
TIME – Each speaker may speak for up to three minutes. A timer is visible to speakers and speakers should conclude their remarks when the buzzer sounds. It is the policy of the present Board to provide an opportunity for public comments as time permits. The Board allows a maximum of 30 minutes for Public Comment during the portion of the meeting which is dedicated to Public Commentary. Delegations of more than five persons should appoint one spokesperson to present their views before the Board. If fewer than 10 individuals apply to address the Board, still only three minutes per speaker will be allotted. If there are a large number of speakers, the Board reserves the right to limit the total time for comment and/or may reduce the time allotted for each speaker.
TOPICS – Speakers may address an item on a School Board agenda or may address an item not on the agenda during a portion of the meeting that is dedicated to public commentary. All comments should address a matter related to Riverhead Charter School. The School Board will not hear public comment that involves a complaint about an individual staff member, a personnel action, a student disciplinary matter, a complaint about an individual student, or pending litigation. The Board respectfully requests that individuals follow Board policy if they have a complaint about any matter. The RCS Complaint policy is listed below.
DECORUM – The School Board expects that each speaker will be courteous, modeling for our students how one can respectfully disagree with others’ views. Speakers will address their comments to the entire School Board and not to one individual Board member, nor to the Principal, the Director of Finance & Operations, to a staff member, nor to the audience. Speakers will not engage in personal attacks, defamatory or slanderous commentary.
SIGNING UP TO SPEAK – Speakers must register prior to the Regular Board Meeting which begins at 6:30 p.m. Speakers may sign up to speak via email to or via postal mail to: Riverhead Charter School, Attn: Board of Trustees, 3685 Middle Country Road, Calverton, NY 11933.
Speakers may also sign up to speak at a School Board meeting by submitting a speaker slip to the clerk before the start of the meeting. Speakers are called in the order in which they sign up. Speakers may not speak more than once on a specific topic. Speakers who wish to speak on more than one topic must submit a separate request for each item. Any person who would like an interpreter to assist them in providing public comment should contact the School Board at 631-369-5800 ext.2260 at least three business days prior to a scheduled meeting.
Complaint Policy
Any individual or group may bring a complaint to the Board of Trustees of RCS alleging a violation of the provisions of Article 56 of Education Law, the charter, or any other provision of law relating to the management or operation of the charter school. The request is to be sent in writing to the President of the Board of Trustees. If a person is not able to make a complaint in writing, then an audiotape or advocate may be used. The person may express the complaint in his/her primary language. An interpreter may be requested and to the extent possible the Board will seek to provide access to this resource.
The President may refer the complaint to the Principal as a first step in resolving the issue. If that is not acceptable to the complainant then the President will schedule time at the next Board meeting to hear the complaint. The meeting shall be no later than 30 days from the date that the complaint is received. The letter (or other means of communication) shall describe in reasonable detail the issue that the person wishes to discuss with the Board.
The Board will respond in writing, or through other means of communication as may be appropriate, to the complainant within 10-15 business days of the meeting. In the event that the complainant is dissatisfied with the response of the Board, he or she may appeal the decision to the Board of Regents.